Friday, April 29, 2011

New Farmville Gift Scams 4-29-11

There are some new Scams out there that come to you from your friends in your gift box.

Beware of these they ask you to accept the application and after you do they then proceed to scam your friends as well. 
Notice on all of the permissions on these your giving them permission to send you email via an anonymous email address @ proxymail this is a scam.

Also notice all of these expire in November but they urge you to act fast,

Please at the bottom of this post is the addy's to block and report these scam applications.

Please do this and help us to get Facebook to remove them and to protect you from receiving them as well.

The first one Farm Cash
The second one is called Farmville Bonus Sender

The third is Farm Gifts but it's address comes up as Super Gifts

***If you have installed it please follow the directions below to uninstall it before blocking.***

Farm Cash



Farmville Bonus Sender

Farm gifts - Super Gifts

If you have installed it please follow the directions below to uninstall it before blocking.***
Now what to do if you click on this and allowed it.
How to remove an Application from your profile:
If you have made the mistake of following thru with the install of this application, 
Go to your Privacy settings  (Click Account, then Privacy Settings).
Then go to the bottom where it says Apps and Websites and click on Edit Settings.
To the right of  Applications You Use click the Edit Settings button.
Then find the application name in your list and click the Little X to the right of that name. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cityville Rewards Scam 4-26-11

Yesterday we told you about a scam called Farmville Rewards.
Today theres a new one called Cityville Rewards. 
These are not made by Zynga!!!!!!!
These are scam applications do not do these they will send them to your friend and try to scam them as well.
These come in your gifts so keep your eyes out for them,

Report Here:

Block Here:

***But only do this if you have not installed this application. 
If you have installed it please follow the directions below to uninstall it before blocking.***

Now what to do if you click on this and allowed it.
How to remove an Application from your profile:
If you have made the mistake of following thru with the install of this application, 
Go to your Privacy settings  (Click Account, then Privacy Settings).
Then go to the bottom where it says Apps and Websites and click on Edit Settings.
To the right of  Applications You Use click the Edit Settings button.
Then find the application name in your list and click the Little X to the right of that name

Monday, April 25, 2011

Scam FarmVille App Farmville Rewards

Theres a fake FarmVille Application going around it's called Farmville Rewards.
This comes in your gifts as an invite from one of your friends.

If you click on Accept it will take you to these permissions

This comes from this page and regardless what it says it is not by Zynga

To Report this Application Go Here:
To Block this Application Go Here 

***But only do this if you have not installed this application. 
If you have installed it please follow the directions below to uninstall it before blocking.***

Now what to do if you click on this and allowed it.
How to remove an Application from your profile:
If you have made the mistake of following thru with the install of this application, 
Go to your Privacy settings  (Click Account, then Privacy Settings).
Then go to the bottom where it says Apps and Websites and click on Edit Settings.
To the right of  Applications You Use click the Edit Settings button.
Then find the application name in your list and click the Little X to the right of that name

Sunday, April 24, 2011

New Farmville Scams 04-24-11

Theres a few new Farmville Scam pages out there.
Keep your eyes open for these and do not click them,
On each one I'm adding a link to Report them,
Please take 5 minutes out and do so the more that do the faster FB will remove these Scammers

Wild West FV Scam Page
Report Here:

Click Here FV Scam Page
Report Here:
Farmville Items Scam Page
Report Here:

Farmville Bonus Scam Page
Report Here:

White Stallion Scam Page
Report Here:

Farmville Bonus Free 30x30 Expansion!! FINALLY!! *CLICK TO GET*CLiCK TO GET*
Report Here:
All of there pages are linked together.

This one is separate. 
And is an application please report then block.
Farmers Gift Scam Application
This one is going around posting a free sheep dog.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

04-23-11 Video Scams

There are some videos scams going around that you should be aware of.
The first one is making it's rounds again we have seen it before it is the Roller Coaster Scam.

This page leads you here where

If you hit continue to Video you will get this Asking for you to give up your permissions.
You can report this here
Then Block it here

The next one is a new one. 

This is actually a click jacking scam.
 After this you will be taken to a page to do surveys this is a scam.
Report this here
Then block it here

Update Zoo World Scam Page

We wrote a report on this page yesterday and since then we have looked into it a bit further.
After listening to a bit of bashing from it's owner we were finally given an address that their application takes you to off of Facebook. 
Now according to their owner all this application does is ask you for an email address. 
Wrong it does more then that as you can see here. 

They also claim that no one can see your information but you. That is also not true. This page uses a free website host and here is their Terms of Service.

When you become a member of this site you also give your information to the Respective Application Developer, affiliate, or business partner and their authorized representatives.

We asked repeatably why must you use an application on Facebook to use this site and this is what we got.

Now I'm sorry but to do an application on Facebook you have to go to apps and make this how did they not know what they were doing and that they thought it was going to be just a link. 
And yet later I was told how Facebook had given them permission to do this. 
And once it was done and it wasn't what they thought they did not remove it?
Ok so what was it you didn't know but you did. 

In our eyes this is still a scam there is no legitimate reason for having to install an application to go to an off Facebook page. 
All they needed was a link, why an app?
There are many other groups on Facebook that give away things and do not require something like this.
This was posted after our bad review of their page

And still is claiming you only need a email address. 
I think they need to take another look at their permissions.
Since we've written this we have been threatened with being reported ourselves to being sued by lawyers. 
We will stand by what we post here.  
If  you wish to provide your information to an off site page instead of using many many other legitimate groups and pages here on Facebook that is your choice and your the one risking you personal information. 
We still advise against it.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Farmville English Oak Tree Scam 04-22-11

Farmville English Oak Tree Scam
This is going around the wall it looks like it comes from Farmville but it does not.
Do not click on this all it does is take you to a survey scam

Report it here

Block it here

Zoo World Scam App 04-22-11

There is a scam Application Page claiming to give you a free Octopus. 
This page tells you to go to their app and it will take you to their off FB page where you will receive this item.

If you did this you need to go to your account and then to your privacy setting.
Go to the bottom to you 
Apps and Websites and Remove this App.

You should never have to give an Application Permission for something like this it is a scam.
Now on our Facebook we reported a Real Giveaway of this same Octopus and this one was for real. 
I received one myself. 
In this one all that was asked was you made the person your friends so she could send it to you and that you liked their group. This one was not a scam like the one above.

Proud To Be A Mom Victoria's Secret Survey Scam

Proud To Be A Mom

 This page has changed their page and now calls themselves 
I Love Being A Mom

Again posting nothing but scams.
Help us to shut this scam page down.
Report them here

Proud To Be A Mom Website
The address they give you takes you here:
Victoria's Secret Survey Scam[skipExit]&pLeadEmailAddress=[pLeadEmailAddress]
By entering your email and continuing, you certify that you are a US resident over the age of 18 and that you agree to the Privacy Policy and Program Rules.
The fine print:
SUMMARY OF PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS. To receive the reward you must: 1) be a U.S. resident at least 18 years of age or older; 2) Register with valid information; 3) Complete the user surveys; 4) Complete the following reward offers: 2 Silver, 2 Gold, and 2 Platinum offers (Available reward offers will vary. Some reward offers require a purchase. Credit card offers may require you to activate the card by making a purchase, transferring a balance or taking a cash advance. 5) Follow the redemption instructions. All program requirements must be completed within 120 days of the date of registration. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. Limit of one (1) gift per household. No cash redemption value. Please read the Program Rules for complete program details. Your information will be shared with our marketing partners. Please read the Privacy Policy for more details.

This is a Survey Scam!!!!!!
Report This Scam Page Here

Farmville Rainbow Cow 04-22-11

The Rainbow Cow Scam is going around again

The original page is here

If you click Claim it will take you here. Where you will be asked to publish it. 
Then you will be taken to a scam survey page.
Leave this alone you will never get the Rainbow Cow.

Click here to Report the Original Page

And here to Block it