Monday, June 20, 2011

6-20-11 Newest Farmville Scams

There are some new  Farmville Scams that are going around.
These come either in your gift request box or your application request box. 
Do not do these they are all scams and not by Farmville at all.
Please help us to stop these scam pages. report them and then block them below.
First one is Farmville Rewards.
This is not the original Farmville Rewards page this is a scam page and nothing more.
This one comes in your gift requests
First you'll be taken here
Then to here to give up your permissions
These other 2 come in your application requests
Again wanting your permissions

And last but not least the same for this one
Your permissions again
Now how to report and then block these
All application pages have this you will see it on the lower left side.
Always Report it first and then Block it.
This is what you'll see when you have blocked an application.
The Links for Reporting and Blocking these Scam Applications:
Farmville Rewards:

Please help us by Reporting and Blocking these Scam Applications and also by sharing us with your friends. The more people take a personal stand on what's allowed on Facebook and report these the faster Facebook can respond and get rid of them!!!!!!!

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