Saturday, May 14, 2011

Girl Killed Herself JavaScript Scam 5-14-11

This is a new one going around. 
Do not do this it is another JavaScript Scam that will do nothing but spam all your friends walls.
This looks like it only goes to YouTube at first but it don't once there it tells you to go to another page.
Once there you will get this, asking you to copy and paste it into your browser.
This in turn spams your friends walls. 

Click 2 See Your Stalkers Scam 5-14-11

This is a new one hitting peoples profile pages. 
Once again we will tell you there is no way on FB platform that you can see your stalkers!!!!!
This is another JavaScript scam that will only spam your friends walls.

Notice where highlighted it takes you to the page below called Reviews.
This even has the nerve to say it's developed by Facebook. 
It is not.
The second link Click 2 See Your Stalkers actually takes you here.
The old  Profile Creeps that has been reported over and over as being a scam.

Never copy and paste JavaScript into your browser all this does is in turn spams your friends with this same message.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Farmville Rainbow calf scam 5-11-11

There is a new Farmville Scam out there going around last week it was the Rainbow Cow.
This week it's the Rainbow Calf.
Be careful of this one this looks real. 
Notice the link to Farmville on the left is an actual Farmville Link
But the one on the right to claim this Calf is NOT.

This is a like clicking scam. 
Please help us to shut down this scam page.
Report here:

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Horrible young babe suicide Scam photo tagging application 5-7-11

There is a new scam application hitting the wall this morning.
This tags you in this picture and leads to to this application.
This will give this scam application permission to spam all your friends walls with this.

If you installed this application please read below before you block this.
Please help us to stop this scam page.

How to Stop the taggers.
Facebook has added a NEW PRIVACY SETTING which is defaulted to ENABLE, called "Let friends of people tagged in my photos and posts see them". 
Click Account > Privacy Settings > Customize Settings (under Sharing on Facebook) and un-check the box next to the setting to DISABLE it. 
If you don't want to disable the setting leave the box checked. 
Be sure to check the rest of your settings while there.

To Untag yourself if you've been tagged.
Go to the picture you were tagged in.
Under find your name and untag yourself.

How to remove an Application from your profile:
If you have made the mistake of following thru with the install of this application, 
Go to your Privacy settings  (Click Account, then Privacy Settings).
Then go to the bottom where it says Apps and Websites and click on Edit Settings.
To the right of  Applications You Use click the Edit Settings button.
Then find the application name in your list and click the Little X to the right of that name

Friday, May 6, 2011

Osama Photo Jacking Scam 5-6-11

There's a new Osama Scam going around this morning this one tags you in the photo.
This takes you to this page asking you to verify your age and to continue
Then it asks for your permissions.
Notice you are giving this permission to post to you and your friends walls.
You are also giving this permission to access your account at any time

If you installed this application please read below before you block this.



How to Stop the taggers.
Facebook has added a NEW PRIVACY SETTING which is defaulted to ENABLE, called "Let friends of people tagged in my photos and posts see them". 
Click Account > Privacy Settings > Customize Settings (under Sharing on Facebook) and un-check the box next to the setting to DISABLE it. 
If you don't want to disable the setting leave the box checked. 
Be sure to check the rest of your settings while there.

How to remove an Application from your profile:
If you have made the mistake of following thru with the install of this application, 
Go to your Privacy settings  (Click Account, then Privacy Settings).
Then go to the bottom where it says Apps and Websites and click on Edit Settings.
To the right of  Applications You Use click the Edit Settings button.
Then find the application name in your list and click the Little X to the right of that name

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How your baby will look scam 5-4-11

There is another JavaScript Scam going around this one mimics the How old will you look scam.
Instead it's using 
See how your baby will look like?

This has you copy the JavaScript and then place it in your address bar which in turn posts this scam to all your friends walls.

Please help us to get rid of this scam page
Report  Here:

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mafia Wars Scam 5-3-11

There is a new Mafia Wars Scam going around.
Do not do this all you will do is scam and spam your friends.
This offers you 1.000 Reward Points
But look at the address under the heading.
Never do anything like it is a scam

Next it tells you to copy the JavaScript into your address bar.
This will in turn spam all of your friends with this.

In the end you will get nothing.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Verify your account JavaScript scam 5-2-11

There is a new Scam going around,
This is another JavaScript Scam do not do this you will only scam your friends.
Facebook is NOT deleting all profiles not verified by May 5th that's already passed lol

Their page claims to be Facebook Security but wow it's under Legal/Law
This is not the official Facebook Security page.

Go here to Report this Scam Page

Osama Bin Laden JavaScript Scam 5-2-11

There is another video circulating around Facebook pertaining to Osama Bin Laden
We have been seeing all day posts that these are virus's they are not the one we reported earlier is a survey scam and this one is a JavaScript Scam. As of  yet we have not seen one that is an actual virus.
Please know what your talking about before posting bogus warnings all these do is fool people.
Get the facts first.

Osama Bin Laden EXECUTION Video!

This one is using JavaScript to get you to scam your friends walls.

Do not do this there is no such video and all you will do is spam your friends.
Report this scam page here

Scam Videos 5-2-11

With the death of Bin Liden every one needs to have an increased awareness of new video scams hitting Facebook. 
Please if something looks not right, sounds not right do not click on it.

These are 2 new ones we've seen this morning

These lead you to a page asking you to verify a simple math problem to "prevent bots from slowing down the site". 
In actuality, it is another clickjack-type scheme in which you are asked to type the answer into a box

It doesn't matter what you type, because it's a social engineering trick. 
What you are actually typing is a comment that is used to share the link with your friends on Facebook. 
You can see the tool tip that says "Add a Comment" in the screenshot.

This bypasses Facebook's recent attempt at detecting likejacking fraud. 
Links you comment on are not using the same mechanisms that Facebook is monitoring when you click "Like".
If you did make the mistake of sharing one of these, you are now spamming your friends with the scammer's message. You should clean-up your newsfeed and profile to remove references to the scam. (click the "x" in the top right hand corner of the post). 

Most of these turn into survey scams if you went further through this read here.
If you made the mistake of submitting your cell phone number for any of the surveys, then you should contact your carrier immediately to keep any bogus charges from appearing.
If you downloaded files or games while completing the survey scam, then your computer could very well be infected with a virus. Install and or update your anti-virus software and run a complete system scan.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

New Farmville Rainbow Cow Scam 5-1-11

Theres a new Farmville Rainbow Cow Scam going around.
This looks real but the Application # is not the same as the real Farmville and it's a scam.

On this one it's not. Don't be fooled by this post.

Please read below before you block this if you installed the application. 
Use the directions below to remove it before you block it.

How to remove an Application from your profile:
If you have made the mistake of following thru with the install of this application, 
Go to your Privacy settings  (Click Account, then Privacy Settings).
Then go to the bottom where it says Apps and Websites and click on Edit Settings.
To the right of  Applications You Use click the Edit Settings button.
Then find the application name in your list and click the Little X to the right of that name

Farmville Royal Horse Scam 5-1-11

This Royal Horse that is going around is a scam.
Notice it comes from Farming never got better not from FarmVille.

Please read below before you block this if you installed the application. 
Use the directions below to remove it before you block it.

To Report this Application

To Block this Application 

How to remove an Application from your profile:
If you have made the mistake of following thru with the install of this application, 
Go to your Privacy settings  (Click Account, then Privacy Settings).
Then go to the bottom where it says Apps and Websites and click on Edit Settings.
To the right of  Applications You Use click the Edit Settings button.
Then find the application name in your list and click the Little X to the right of that name

Official Farmville $100 FV Cash Survey Scam

This is a new one going around claiming to be an Official Farmville Cash Giveaway.
When in fact it's just another Blogspot Survey Scam.
Do not fall for this you will end up in and endless cycle of survey scams and in the end receive nothing.

First it asks you to like 2 pages you don't even see.
Then it asks you to spam it all over 10 different Facebook pages to further fool others.

Complete 8 offers and provide your email and other personal information.

When you try to leave it even tries to stop you.

Stay away from these things some even go as far as having hidden cell phone charges that in the end you don't even realize you've given permission to until it's to late.